Sun, 07 Sept 2008 10:05:46
I changed the layout of the site.
Fri, 05 Sept 2008 8:51:46
Added the "Respiratory Tract Infection" and the "Yellow Fungus" section to the Diseases Page.
Thurs, 04 Sept 2008 2:37:39
Added the "Getting Started" Page by writing a new section about choosing your Bearded Dragon and putting the "Bearded Dragons are Solitary Creatures" and "Relocation Stress" sections there.
Tues, 02 Sept 2008 7:47:25
Added the Salmonella section to the General Info page.
Wed, 27 Aug 2008 9:14:27
Added three more top sites to the bottom of the page, in an effort to get more visitors to this little site of mine.
Fri, 15 Aug 2008 11:00:13
Added the "Occasional"/Treat Insect section to the Feeding and Watering page.
Fri, 1 Aug 2008 10:38:37
Added the Handling section to the General Info page.
Fri, 25 July 2008 04:12:02
I fixed the broken links on the link page, found pages that had moved, and got replacements for deleted pages.
Fri, 11 July 2008 07:33:52
I added links on each page that go down to the subsections, so that the pages are more navigable, in my first foray into HTML. I also added the contact form to the home page. The site counter recorded the 200th visitor today since I put in the hit counter approximately a month ago, which is very exciting for me.
Wed, 25 Jun 2008 07:34:16
Added a few more pictures and edited a teensy bit. I also added the Health page. I recently found a new Betta site (I have a Betta too) that has inspired me on things I can do for this site too, so expect changes. It might take me a while, but I'm going to make this site as awe-inspiring as the Betta one I saw today. It was the forum Ultimate Bettas and the site Betta Talk, if anyone is curious.
Mon, 16 Jun 2008 09:38:02
Added a hit counter today.
Sun, 08 Jun 2008 13:54:38
Edited the housing section; mostly a couple rewordings and quite a bit of moving the sections around, creating new sections, etc. I joined a couple more top sites. I have been going up in rank in all of them steadily, which is encouraging. I really want this site to help Beardies and their owners, the more the better. I want the quality of life for at least a few Bearded Dragons to go up because this site is here. That's why I created this site.
Sat, 24 May 2008 19:00:18
Added various of bits of info, ranging from sentences to sections, scattered throughout the site. A few examples are the shedding section, how to bathe your Bearded Dragon, care information for insects, a few new vocab words, etc.
Tue, 20 May 2008 08:07:29
I changed the order of the links around a bit, proof read a little, changed a couple other superficial parts of the site, and added the vocabulary page.
Mon, 19 May 2008 09:02:17
Over the last few days, I added some information to the Basic Info page (like the sexing section and the Beardie senses and Anatomy sections in General Info, those are new), changed the name of that page from Basic Info to General Info, moved around some information to put it in more logical sections throughout the site and moved existing sections around. I also rewrote a few sections to make them clearer or more comprehensive. I also put my contact info as a footer to every page. Lastly, I made all the headings bigger for easier navigation. I also joined a few ranking sites on reptiles, and hopefully I'll be able to finish putting rankings up soon (the HTML is giving me some trouble).
Mon, 28 Apr 2008 16:02:40
Did some cosmetic work on the site, getting all of the links the same color, and getting the basic info font section to match the rest of the site.
Tue, 22 Apr 2008 13:58:57
Updated the Deadly Substrates part of the Enclosure section, having remembered a few commonly recommended substrates by the uneducated that kill a large number of Beardies, and some alternate names for the ones I've already listed.
Mon, 14 Apr 2008 14:48:41
I thought the previous layout was a bit too dreary and gloomy, so here is a new one! You may scoff, but it took me days to choose this, days I tell you, not to mention the mess ups with font colors and accidentally deleting things and having to get them back...So, here is the new decor, at last.
Thu, 10 Apr 2008 15:13:23
Added some photos to the housing section, and reworded a bit. Also added a photo to the breeding section today.
Thu, 03 Apr 2008 06:49:43
Found some new info on lighting and UVA, and updated the lighting section accordingly.
Wed, 26 Mar 2008 18:03:14
I've been putting a ton of work into this lately. Added a breeding page, hatchling care page, basic info page, and links page. Also put on more pictures and a couple videos. Enjoy!
Oh, and I also joined the web ring "Bearded Dragons".
Mon, 12 Nov 2007
I uploaded a bunch of info on Bearded Dragons I've been working on in Word for a while, and this site was created. I'll be working on this and tampering with it to get it away from its origins as a bulleted list for the next couple of weeks at least.